
The challenge is to tell a story about my parents, but I don’t really think I can do that in an explicit manner. Maybe in the sense of “love language”, that I may comprehend.

Shubhi Rofiddinsa
2 min readOct 24, 2020

Understanding your parents is a part of a process so-called adulthood, where basically everybody has been there at some point of their life. It’s basically a lifetime event, even for my parents as well to their own.

Communication is a two-way street process and some still find it hard to understand. But, it’s never too late for me to always tell both of my parents that I love them, even if there’s some kind of misunderstanding along the way.

(Huh, this is harder than I thought, even if I already lower my expectations)

The fact that we are now interconnected, no matter where we are in the world, it’s always going to be an issue for some, to understand how every culture has its own way to respect the elders. Some are extreme, some just really don’t care, as long as you love them in a way every child to their parents and vice-versa can understand.

In my case, I am still processing it and learning to understand their love language to me, which I still don’t really know. Maybe except my mom, who isn’t afraid to say “I love you” every time we end our phone conversation.

Image by 4144132 from Pixabay

About my dad, he has his own way to show his love to his children. He isn’t the type of expressing his love explicitly, because maybe he’s a bit of a sentimental person. He’s more of a person who always get the job done. That’s what I can extract from him.

At this age, I haven’t figured out my love language yet.

Is it worrying? Not really, I mean, us Indonesians still find it strange to the concept of the “love language” itself. Maybe even my parents don’t really know about it.

But at some point, if I have a child, I must tell them exactly what this concept is all about. Because then, maybe in the future, we can have a mutual understanding for each other.

Communication is a two-way street process and some still find it hard to understand. But, it’s never too late for me to always tell both of my parents that I love them, even if there’s some kind of misunderstanding along the way.

The fact that I’m talking about love language, whilst I still have a hard time to love myself is laughable at best. Well, at least I am on my way.


For this piece, this song is an oxymoron…

