Everybody Wants (Some) Happiness

I am a bit exhausted, to be frank. It’s the 9th day of #30DaysWritingChallenge and I hope I am still able to light the fire and have enough strength to keep the flame alive.

Shubhi Rofiddinsa
2 min readOct 28, 2020
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Like life, happiness is actually hard to describe or to be universally defined. Because maybe, just maybe, we’ve never taken a single look into the meaning of happiness itself. Don’t you think?

No, this time, I don’t want to take a deeper look to find the meaning of true happiness. It’s just too much of a homework. You know?

We are too preoccupied with the fact, when we become too happy, we start to worry about worse things that might come later on. Seriously, I am sometimes baffled with that as well. Maybe because we are too familiar with the concept of jinxing a good momentum e.g. in sports, where one team or player has series of good record and suddenly it is just broken in a matter of seconds.

I am still learning on how to visualise the worst-case scenarios and try to mitigate those by maybe just accepting the fact that those feelings, from worst to best, are just parts of learning process.

We constantly associate happiness with sorrow one after another. It is already exhausting enough, because we already think about the next thing while we are in our happy state. I know, sometimes it’s good that we plan things ahead and try to execute it as smoothly as possible. But sometimes we just emphasise the worst more rather than the good ones. It means sometimes we just worry too much about those scenarios, rather than try to deal with them.

One of the most optimistic songs, especially during this pandemic. Still waiting for the right moment to sing this…maybe after this shitshow of COVID-19 ends! (Suitable for karaoke session)

I am not a stoic or anything, but that philosophy actually helps me to understand better on how happiness means to me. I am still learning on how to visualise the worst-case scenarios and try to mitigate those by maybe just accepting the fact that those feelings, from worst to best, are just parts of learning process.

At least I can just focus on things that I can control, whilst not worrying too much about things that are beyond my control.

Isn’t it that actually great, that we don’t overcomplicate things and just try to live in the present?




Shubhi Rofiddinsa
Shubhi Rofiddinsa

Written by Shubhi Rofiddinsa

Conveniently Mundane. Voice behind Tepak Bulu.

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